How does it work?
FeisBookings is a straightforward entry management solution for automating Feis entries, payments and Number assignment. Forget the old manual way of taking registration for Feis's, we simplify the process so the Feis organiser can concentrate on arranging the Feis without having to worry about registrations.
And did we mention, its completely free to use!
Register your Feis
Fill out our easy Feis Registration form, which includes all the essential details about the Feis, such as the date, location, and your syllabus.
Set your Pricing
You receive 100% of the prices you set. There are no fees for using this service to manage your Feis. When dancers register, they pay a small booking fee in addition to the Feis fees, which is added at the end to cover the cost of FeisBookings and card processing. Currently, this fee is £2.50.
Provide your payment information
Organizing a Feis can be costly, requiring significant upfront investment.
With FeisBookings, you can begin collecting registration fees immediately, eliminating the need to wait the week before the to gather most of the funds.
Simply provide your bank account details, and all fees will be deposited directly into your chosen account.
Payments are processed weekly, ensuring you receive your funds without delay. All transfers are instant!
Sit back and watch the registrations come in
Well, not quite. As any Feis organiser will know you still have to promote your Feis through your school and within the Irish Dancing community. Using social media defintely helps.
Luckily, you will have a direct link from us to attach to anything you send out straight to the registration page. Thats it. Simple.
And if you would like, FeisBookings can even allocate Dancer Numbers providing each Dancer with a printable number* that can bring with them on Feis day.
*additional fees may apply